Why Eclipses Matter
Eclipses aren’t subtle. They shake things up, create turning points, and realign you with your life’s path. They’re intense, but think of them as an opportunity for a reset and pushes you toward growth.
Nodes: Your Eclipse Guides
The North Node represents growth, expansion, and the pull toward new experiences. It can act like a magnet, drawing you into unfamiliar territory where challenges lead to personal change. However, because the North Node brings an excess of energy, it feels overwhelming or unbalanced. Understanding its placement in your birth chart can show where you’re being stretched beyond your limits and where too much energy might be concentrated.
Alternatively, The South Node is a point of release, highlighting areas of life where old patterns, habits, and beliefs need to be cleared. It can carry a sense of familiarity, but also depletion – what once felt comfortable is likely not working for you anymore. However, the South Node isn’t necessarily a place to abandon entirely, but it is a space to let go of what’s no longer useful, making room for new growth. Whether in your natal chart or by transit, the South Node shows where energy naturally drains and where release is necessary for balance.
If you want to know more about eclipses, you can read this post from September, 2024 called: Why Eclipses are a Big Deal in Astrology.
Navigating the Virgo-Pisces Eclipse Axis
Virgo (South Node): Release Control & Perfectionism
Virgo finds the problem and focuses on details, routine, and efficiency. This eclipse highlights where your attention to detail may have become excessive, critical, or restrictive. It’s about letting go perfectionism, self-criticism and developing realistic expectations of yourself and others.
Self-Reflection Prompts:
- “What routines or habits drain me more than they help?”
- “Where does my perfectionism stop me from moving forward?”
- “What happens if I trust that ‘good enough’ really is enough?”
Pisces (North Node): Embrace Intuition & Trust
Pisces is intuitive, creative, and spiritual – BUT – it’s also judgmental, punishing and loves to teach moral lessons. It’s calling you to use your empathic powers for good. You need to put your intuition ahead of your moral outrage, embrace your inner knowing and be selective of who and what you put your energy behind.
Self-Reflection Prompts:
- “Where am I using too much energy judging myself and/or others?”
- “How can I use creativity or empathy to help, heal or inspire?”
- “How am I giving my energy away wasting it on worrying about everyone but myself?”
Traditional vs. Modern Eclipse Interpretations
- Traditionally, eclipses meant loss, chaos and fear, disrupting the natural order. The nodes each have an uncontrollable energy: the north node giving too much and the south node sucking all of the life out of whatever it touches – leaders and nations falling, emotional tragedy, devastating losses.
- Modern astrology frames eclipses as transformative opportunities. Solar Eclipses signal new beginnings; Lunar Eclipses indicate emotional shifts and endings.
My advice around eclipses if you choose to view them with a modern lens is “be careful what you wish for”, because whatever you attract you likely won’t be able to control. This Pisces-Virgo eclipse axis calls you toward conscious growth balanced by grounded practicality and efficiency. Since Virgo wants to get right to the root of a problem and Pisces needs to punish the problem by having the perpetrator experience what they’ve created – this is the fuck around and find of axis of the zodiac.
Practical Tips to Work With Eclipse Energy:
- Avoid Manifestation or Major Initiations – Eclipses bring unpredictable energy, so this is not the time for setting intentions, charging crystals, or making big life-altering decisions. Instead, observe what’s unfolding and allow space for natural shifts.
- Expect the Unexpected – Whether you follow traditional or modern interpretations, eclipses rarely play out the way you expect. Plans may change, emotions may run high, and situations that felt stable could suddenly shift. Flexibility is key.
- Let Go Rather Than Control – Lunar Eclipses, especially on the South Node, are about release. If something is falling away, don’t force it to stay. Instead of trying to hold on, focus on what you can clear, declutter, or surrender.
- Rest and Replenish – Eclipses tend to be draining, physically and emotionally. Prioritize grounding, hydration, sleep, and self-care rather than overextending yourself.
- Notice What’s Being Revealed – Eclipses expose hidden truths. Pay attention to sudden realizations, surprising shifts in relationships, or internal nudges that feel significant. You don’t need to act immediately, but take note of what’s surfacing.
- Trust the Process – The effects of an eclipse unfold over time – sometimes instantly, but often over the next six months. If things feel chaotic, remind yourself that realignment is happening, even if it’s not clear yet.
Eclipse Impact on Angular Houses
Eclipses in the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) tend to bring the most visible and life-altering shifts. These houses represent the core areas of identity, home, relationships, and career, so when an eclipse lands in one of them, expect changes that feel personal, significant, and sometimes unavoidable.
- 1st House (Self, Identity, Physical Body) – A reset on personal direction, self-image, or physical well-being. You may feel called to redefine who you are, let go of an outdated version of yourself, or experience a major shift in how others perceive you. Pay attention to what no longer fits the person you are becoming.
- 4th House (Home, Family, Emotional Foundations) – Changes in living situations, family dynamics, or inner emotional security. This can bring shifts in where or how you live, reveal family-related truths, or highlight the need to create a stronger sense of emotional stability. Old patterns tied to home and belonging may need releasing.
- 7th House (Relationships, Commitments, Others) – Eclipses here highlight major relationship shifts—endings, beginnings, or redefining dynamics. This isn’t always about romance; business partnerships and close friendships can also be affected. If a relationship is misaligned, this is the time it may fall away—or evolve into something deeper.
- 10th House (Career, Public Life, Reputation) – A turning point in career, status, or long-term goals. Something may be coming to completion, or a new path could emerge. Authority figures, bosses, or professional recognition may play a role. If a door closes, trust that a new one will open in alignment with your true path.
Since eclipses bring destabilizing energy, changes may feel sudden or unexpected, but angular house activations always push you toward necessary growth and realignment. Let what unfolds guide you rather than trying to control the outcome.
Eclipse Impact on Succedent Houses
Do you have 23-24 Virgo/Pisces in the succedent houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th)? These four houses influence areas of life that provide stability, resources, creativity, and long-term growth. While these changes might not feel as immediate as in the angular houses, they impact what sustains you – whether financially, emotionally, or creatively.
- 2nd House (Money, Possessions, Self-Worth) – A shift in financial security, income, or personal values. You may be forced to reassess what truly matters, let go of material attachments, or change how you earn and manage money. Issues around self-worth and what you “deserve” may also surface.
- 5th House (Creativity, Pleasure, Children, Romance) – A shake-up in romantic relationships, creative pursuits, or personal joy. If you’ve been holding back from expressing yourself, this eclipse may push you to take a leap. Creative projects, dating, or even issues around children and fertility could take center stage.
- 8th House (Shared Resources, Transformation, Power Dynamics) – This eclipse highlights debt, joint finances, intimacy, and deep psychological shifts. There may be a need to release financial entanglements, set emotional boundaries, or process a major inner transformation. If something is being taken away, trust that it’s creating space for deeper empowerment.
- 11th House (Community, Friendships, Future Aspirations) – Changes in friendships, social circles, and long-term goals. Some connections may fade, while new ones emerge. You may find yourself questioning who you align with and whether your dreams still reflect who you are becoming.
Succedent house eclipses aren’t as abrupt as those in the angular houses, but they impact what sustains you over time. These shifts encourage reevaluating stability and investing in what actually supports your growth.
Eclipse Impact on Cadent Houses
Eclipses in cadent houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th) bring shifts in perspective, daily habits, learning, and subconscious patterns. While they may not feel as dramatic outwardly, they alter the way you think, process, and move through life.
- 3rd House (Communication, Learning, Siblings, Local Environment) – A shift in how you express yourself, absorb information, or interact with your surroundings. You may experience news that changes your outlook, disruptions in daily routines, or shifts in sibling or neighbor relationships. Be mindful of miscommunications or outdated thought patterns that need clearing.
- 6th House (Work, Health, Daily Routines, Pets, Service) – Changes in work, health, or everyday responsibilities. You may need to release habits that no longer serve your well-being or restructure your approach to productivity. This eclipse asks you to prioritize balance, listen to your body, and redefine what “efficiency” means for you.
- 9th House (Beliefs, Travel, Higher Education, Expansion) – A deep reevaluation of belief systems, education, or worldview. Long-held perspectives may shift, a journey (physical or intellectual) could take an unexpected turn, or you may feel called to step outside your comfort zone in pursuit of something bigger.
- 12th House (Subconscious, Spirituality, Isolation, Endings) – This is an eclipse of release and surrender. Hidden truths may surface, old wounds may need healing, and a chapter of your life may be coming to a quiet close. This is a powerful time for deep inner work, rest, and acknowledging what needs to dissolve so something new can emerge.
Cadent house eclipses shift your mindset, habits, and spiritual growth. While the changes may feel more internal at first, they redefine how you navigate the world in lasting ways.
Your Next Steps:
Use this eclipse to bridge the gap between everyday practical actions and deeper spiritual insights. Ground your intuition in real-world actions. It’s about connecting routine with meaning, releasing what no longer serves you practically, and stepping into deeper trust and intuitive living.
Reflections & Prompts for the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
This South Node Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is all about release, surrender, and finding clarity in the midst of uncertainty. With Neptune sitting on the North Node in Pisces, opposite the Virgo Moon, there’s a tension between practicality and faith, logic and intuition, control and surrender. Virgo wants to fix, organize, and analyze, while Pisces dissolves boundaries and asks us to trust the unknown.
This eclipse may highlight areas where you’ve been holding on too tightly – whether to routines, expectations, or the need for control. It invites you to let go of perfectionism, release outdated structures, and lean into trust. If something feels murky or unclear, resist the urge to force answers – some truths unfold in their own time.
Reflection Prompts
- Where am I clinging to control in a way that is no longer helpful to me?
- What daily routines, habits, or responsibilities are draining me instead of supporting me?
- How can I balance practical effort with trust in the unknown?
- Where in my life do I need to surrender to the greater flow?
- What illusions or unrealistic expectations are being revealed to me?
- How can I release the fear of “not doing enough” and trust that I am enough as I am?
- Where in my life am I letting perfectionism stop me from moving forward?
Concluding Thoughts
This Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is a powerful turning point, urging us to release control, let go of perfectionism, and trust the unfolding process. With the North Node in Pisces, clarity may feel out of reach, but that doesn’t mean you’re lost – sometimes, the biggest transformations happen when we stop gripping so tightly and allow change to happen.
If you want to dive deeper into eclipse cycles and their impact, check out my September, 2024 Eclipse article, where I break down the bigger themes of eclipses and how they work in astrology.
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September, 2024 Eclipse article
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Thanks for reading, and as always—be kind to yourself.

Tracy Quinlan is a consulting contemporary astrologer and Acutonics Sound Healing Teacher and Practitioner. She lectures, teaches, mentors and writes. You can read her Horoscopes in the past 4 Llewellyn Astrological yearly Calendars. Her first Astrology book with Llewellyn comes out winter 2026.